Lock Out The NFL

Enough Is Enough

Archive for the ‘Sick & Tired’ Category

The NFL Has Lost A Fan

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On Friday, March 11,2011, the NFL Player’s Association filed the necessary papers to decertify their union. Shorty thereafter, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and a handful of other players, sued team owners in Minneapolis federal court , saying the league violated antitrust laws. The players also asked for an injunction to block a lockout by the owners.

On Saturday, in the wee hours of the morning, the owners locked out the players, setting in motion what will most likely turn into a long and drawn out legal battle, and may cause the loss of the 2011 season. We all saw it coming. The NFLPA did their best to let us all know this was the owner’s plan all along. For their part, the NFL has been saying the players’ union would surely decertify and head to court.

And where are we now? Listening to the PR Machine at it’s very best. The ‘he said, they said’ wheels are in full motion and all we can do is sit back and hope and wait. Well enough is enough.

We, the fans are the reason the NFL and the NFLPA even exist. We’re the idiots that wait for Sundays like little kids waiting for Christmas. We’re the out-of-work or struggling to survive group of nobodys that give you that 9 Billion dollars a year – and you can’t figure out how to divvy it up? Doesn’t that seem just a little unfair to us fans? What if we just stopped? What if we just quit watching and playing the game. We’ve invested our money, our time and our emotions. We wear your clothes, buy your tickets, pay for your broadcasts and forgive your malcontempts and terrible role models – and you just plan on leaving us hanging.

What about all the “regular Joe’s” that are getting caught up in your inability to get your act together? The Fantasy Leagues, The Sports Bars, Internet Sites The PSL holders, season ticket holders and everybody else who counts of the NFL and the Players. This site was put together to give the fans a place to show our disgust. Hopefully, we can gather enough signatures so the Owners and Players take notice. Maybe it’s time to for us to Lock Out The NFL – Or maybe the NFL and the players just figure we’re stupid enough to welcome them back with open arms?

Please join in by signing the Petition at http://www.wewontwatchfootball.com and help spread the word taht we’re tired of being taken advantage of by the NFL and the NFLPA. We’ve had enough.

Written by lockoutthenfl

March 13, 2011 at 11:42 am

Posted in Sick & Tired